2023 Penny Hutchens Memorial Fund Recipient - Zephyr Education
Zephyr Education is the recipient of the 2023 CBCA WA Penny Hutchens Memorial Fund.
This organisation, which is 100% run by volunteers, was founded in 2013 to assist children living at
domestic violence shelters. Its aim is to minimize any disruption to the children’s education by
providing the resources and materials needed to continue their learning journey at a new school.
In May, committee members Jenny Botje, Julie Muir and Denise Robins spent an enjoyable morning
choosing books to the value of $1000 to be given to Zephyr Education. We were ably assisted by
Margaret Walton from Child Education Services. In July, Jenny and Denise presented these to WA
Coordinator of Zephyr Education, Nicola Henderson. Added to the collection were books donated by
committee members. These books were distributed between two domestic violence refuges, one of
these having four separate sites. These will be used in a variety of ways, including:
- Use as 'buddy bags' for children when they first arrive at the refuge in a time of crisis with
very few personal possessions. They may be the first new items the children own after
arriving in the refuge.
- Book packs to be kept in the accommodation units to encourage the clients to bond with
their young children through reading.
- Addition of the books to an onsite library which children can use.
In her letter of thanks, Nicola said, “On behalf of Zephyr Education, I would like to sincerely thank you
for your donation of the wonderful books that we received recently. At Zephyr Education we strive to
ensure that disadvantaged and vulnerable children affected by domestic violence have every
opportunity to continue their education with minimal disruption. We believe that books are at the
heart of education and learning, so it was an honour to be gifted these beautiful books and in turn, to
be able to pass them on to some of the domestic violence refuges supported by Zephyr Education.
These families have been through so much before they finally arrive at a refuge so you can be
assured that your kindness in supplying these books will be very much appreciated by the families
involved. We appreciate the care and time taken to select books that are appropriate for these
We were delighted that Nicola was able to join us at the annual Book Week Dinner this year. In the
talk she gave, she provided an insight into the work that Zephyr Education is involved in. A number
of attendees interested in the organisation spoke to Nicola after her speech.
Background to the Penny Hutchens Memorial Fund
In 1980 the WA Branch of the CBCA initiated a trust fund to perpetuate the memory of Penny Walton (nee Hutchens). Penny died at the end of 1979 and is remembered as a person who gave much of her time and effort towards children and their books.
Penny was a member of the Children’s Book Council and was the WA Judge for the Australian Children’s Book of the Year Awards in 1978 and 1979.
The Penny Hutchens Memorial Fund was established in her memory for the purpose of donating books to an organisation which cares for children, Penny’s intention was always to get books into the hands of children. The books
are donated to a worthy organisation every two years.
Penny was a member of the Children’s Book Council and was the WA Judge for the Australian Children’s Book of the Year Awards in 1978 and 1979.
The Penny Hutchens Memorial Fund was established in her memory for the purpose of donating books to an organisation which cares for children, Penny’s intention was always to get books into the hands of children. The books
are donated to a worthy organisation every two years.
Recipients of the Penny Hutchens Memorial Fund
2023 Zephyr Education
2021 Ngala
2019 The Spiers Centre
2017 The Patricia Giles Centre
2015 Keeping Kids Safe Project, an initiative of the Women's Council for Domestic and Family Violence Services (WA)
2013 CARAD (Coalition for Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Detainees)
2011 Bidi Bidi Mount Magnet
2009 ASeTTS (Association for Services to Trauma and Torture Survivors) Multicultural Playgroup
2007 Braille Literacy Nest
2005 Mungallah Community near Carnarvon
2003 Princess Margaret Hospital playgroup for children with cancer
2001 Kindred Family Services - family reading project with Wooroloo Prison
1999 Ronald McDonald House Playsense
1997 Nardine Wimmin’s Refuge
1995 Heart Kids
1993 Princess Margaret Hospital
1991 Sir David Brand Centre
1989 Integrated Resource Unit for Children with Handicaps/Special Needs
1987 Speech Pathologist Phyllis Ferguson Pineview Preschool Education Centre
1985 Association for the Advancement of Brain Injured Children
1983 Award changed to biennial
1982 Sister Kate‘s Children’s Home
1981 Speech and Hearing Centre
1980 WANSLEA Family Services
2021 Ngala
2019 The Spiers Centre
2017 The Patricia Giles Centre
2015 Keeping Kids Safe Project, an initiative of the Women's Council for Domestic and Family Violence Services (WA)
2013 CARAD (Coalition for Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Detainees)
2011 Bidi Bidi Mount Magnet
2009 ASeTTS (Association for Services to Trauma and Torture Survivors) Multicultural Playgroup
2007 Braille Literacy Nest
2005 Mungallah Community near Carnarvon
2003 Princess Margaret Hospital playgroup for children with cancer
2001 Kindred Family Services - family reading project with Wooroloo Prison
1999 Ronald McDonald House Playsense
1997 Nardine Wimmin’s Refuge
1995 Heart Kids
1993 Princess Margaret Hospital
1991 Sir David Brand Centre
1989 Integrated Resource Unit for Children with Handicaps/Special Needs
1987 Speech Pathologist Phyllis Ferguson Pineview Preschool Education Centre
1985 Association for the Advancement of Brain Injured Children
1983 Award changed to biennial
1982 Sister Kate‘s Children’s Home
1981 Speech and Hearing Centre
1980 WANSLEA Family Services